Company Profile Design
A company profile is a marketing material aimed at multiple audiences (government, private entities, individuals), designed to introduce your company clearly, share its history, values, philosophy, quality policies, latest projects, contact details, and more with your target audience. Through our extensive experience and deep knowledge, we understand that a well-crafted and designed company profile significantly helps create a lasting positive first impression, and it allows you to be visible across various marketing channels: websites, social media, and more. Additionally, having a thoughtfully created profile with attractive design is essential for enhancing brand awareness and distinguishing it in today’s highly competitive market.
Our experienced team at Gray Design Agency is ready to assist you in starting your journey to success and distinction by designing either a print-ready profile or an interactive digital profile that can be shared and used as a presentation.
Service Name
Company Profile Design ServiceExecution Period
3 Working Days MinimumDeliverables
- High-quality print-ready PDF file to share with the printer.- High-quality interactive digital PDF file suitable for sharing.Price
Starting from3,000Saudi Riyal
4-page Arabic Digital Profile with CoverCompany Profile Type
Digital PDF
Digital & Printed
File Size
Width x HeightOutput: Design file in (pdf) formatFile Type
Output file formatContent
Written content - Images - LogosDesign Edits
Design according to client's visual identityContent Edits Count
Content modifications - Rewriting etc.Typo errors - Content addition - Content removal - Image changesCover
Front and BackPrice
4-page profile with coverOutput: Profile design in (pdf) formatAdditional Page/Slide Price
Arabic Content Writing
Custom content for your establishment in ArabicCalculated per pageEnglish Content Writing
Custom content for your establishment in EnglishCalculated per pageExecution Period
Order Form

The Importance of Company Profiles in Business
A company profile is one of the most important documents used to present your company to the world. It provides an overview of the company's history, vision, and mission. In this article, we'll discuss the importance of company profiles and how businesses can use them to maximum advantage.
1. First Impression
The company profile represents the first impression potential clients and partners get of your business. A well-designed document with relevant information can make your company appear professional and trustworthy.
2. Reference Document
The company profile serves as a reference document for potential clients and partners to better understand your company's services and products.
3. Effective Marketing Tool
When well-designed, a company profile can be an effective marketing tool to attract clients and enhance brand identity.
4. Combining Print and Digital
By offering both interactive PDF digital profiles and printed versions, we ensure optimal presentation of your company to all target audiences.
5. Easy to Update
Digital profiles can be easily updated to reflect the latest company information, services, and products.
6. Saves Time & Effort
Thanks to digital design, company profiles can be quickly and efficiently distributed via email or social media, saving the time and effort required for printing and physical distribution.